Society of American Foresters at OSU

We are the Society of American Foresters (SAF) Student Chapter at Oregon State University, a professional organization dedicated to education and scientific pursuit in the field of natural resources. As a student chapter, we help student members stay connected with the larger, national organization, provide settings for professional networking, and promote discussion and camaraderie with peers. Undergraduate and graduate students alike are welcome to attend our meetings and become members of our chapter. We strongly encourage interested students to become official SAF members.

In addition to bi-weekly meetings and College of Forestry events, SAF at OSU sends student attendees to the annual, national, and regional SAF conferences, runs a private Christmas tree farm at Peavy Arboretum, and supports the annual College of Forestry career fair.

The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States. Founded in 1900 by Gifford Pinchot, it is the largest professional society for foresters in the world. The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society. SAF is a nonprofit organization meeting the requirements of 501 (c) (3). SAF members include natural resource professionals in public and private settings, researchers, CEOs, administrators, educators, and students.

Membership information

Participation in the SAF Student Chapter at OSU is open to any OSU student, regardless of major. To join, please visit Ideal-Logic and search for "Society of American Foresters at OSU". Full membership of the professional chapter of SAF requires yearly dues paid to SAF and may have additional profession-related requirements for eligibility. Student members receive a discounted professional membership rate. Contact Daiz Sondag ( for more information or visit the SAF membership page.

Club Information

See the National SAF website for more information. 


Service to society is the cornerstone of any profession. The profession of forestry serves society by fostering stewardship of the world's forests. Because forests provide valuable resources and perform critical ecological functions, they are vital to the wellbeing of both society and the biosphere.

Members of the Society of American Foresters have a deep and enduring love for the land, and are inspired by the profession's historic traditions, such as Gifford Pinchot's utilitarianism and Aldo Leopold's ecological conscience. In their various roles as practitioners, teachers, researchers, advisers, and administrators, foresters seek to sustain and protect a variety of forest uses and attributes, such as aesthetic values, air and water quality, biodiversity, recreation, timber production, and wildlife habitat.

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to protect and serve society by inspiring, guiding, and governing members in the conduct of their professional lives. Compliance with the code demonstrates members' respect for the land and their commitment to the long-term management of ecosystems, and ensures just and honorable professional and human relationships, mutual confidence and respect, and competent service to society.

On joining the Society of American Foresters, members assume a special responsibility to the profession and to society by promising to uphold and abide by the following: 

Principles and Pledges

  1. Foresters have a responsibility to manage land for both current and future generations. We pledge to practice and advocate management that will maintain the long-term capacity of the land to provide the variety of materials, uses, and values desired by landowners and society.
  2. Society must respect forest landowners' rights and correspondingly, landowners have a land stewardship responsibility to society. We pledge to practice and advocate forest management in accordance with landowner objectives and professional standards, and to advise landowners of the consequences of deviating from such standards.
  3. Sound science is the foundation of the forestry profession. We pledge to strive for continuous improvement of our methods and our personal knowledge and skills; to perform only those services for which we are qualified; and in the biological, physical, and social sciences to use the most appropriate data, methods, and technology.
  4. Public policy related to forests must be based on both scientific principles and societal values. We pledge to use our knowledge and skills to help formulate sound forest policies and laws; to challenge and correct untrue statements about forestry; and to foster dialogue among foresters, other professionals, landowners, and the public regarding forest policies.
  5. Honest and open communication, coupled with respect for information given in confidence, is essential to good service. We pledge to always present, to the best of our ability, accurate and complete information; to indicate on whose behalf any public statements are made; to fully disclose and resolve any existing or potential conflicts of interest; and to keep proprietary information confidential unless the appropriate person authorizes its disclosure.
  6. Professional and civic behavior must be based on honesty, fairness, good will, and respect for the law. We pledge to conduct ourselves in a civil and dignified manner; to respect the needs, contributions, and viewpoints of others; and to give due credit to others for their methods, ideas, or assistance.

Adopted November 3, 2000

General Meetings 2024 (Fall/Winter/Spring)
Tuesdays at 5:30 PM in Richardson Hall 107 on odd academic weeks

Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9

October 1, October 15, October 29, November 12, November 26

SAF National Convention 2024
Held in Loveland, Colorado from September 17th – 20th

Contact for more information

Oregon SAF Annual Meeting with The Wildlife Society
Held in Salem, Oregon in February, 2025
Contact for more information

Forestry Club Bowling Tournament hosted by SAF at OSU
Held at Highland Bowl during Week 10 of each academic term
Includes SAF at OSU, Forestry Club, Forest Stewards Guild, Pyros, the OSU Fish & Wildlife Club, and more
Contact for more information


Hunter Holeman


Hunter Holeman (he/him)

Favorite Hobby: Mushroom Hunting

Daiz Sondag


Daiz Sondag (they/them)

Favorite Hobby: Playing Bass Guitar

Adriana Gonzales


Adriana Gonzalez (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Going for Long Drives

Secretary & Merchandising

Christoph Anderson (he/him)

Favorite Hobby: Costume Making

Tree Farm Manager

Gordon McCrickard (he/him)

Favorite Hobby: Mountain Biking

Co-Tree Farm Manager

Anika Showalter (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Art

Matthew Kaltenbach

Tree Farm Event Coordinator

Matthew Kaltenbach (he/him)

Favorite Hobby: Fishing

Sabrina Giulietti

Committee Chair

Sabrina Giulietti (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Horseback Riding

Josh Davis


Josh Davis (he/him)

Favorite Hobby: Waterskiing

Rachel Stokes

Fundraising Coordinator

Rachel Stokes (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Archery

Alex Seymour

Volunteer Coordinator

Alex Seymour (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Geocaching

Parker Turk

Social Media Manager & Graduate Student Representative

Parker Turk (he/him)

Favorite Hobbies: Hiking & Timbersports

Claire Monge

SAF District II Representative & Educational Outreach Coordinator

Claire Monge (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Woodworking

Tatiana Marchi

Wildlife Liaison

Tatiana Marchi (she/her)

Favorite Hobby: Falconry