Proposal Support
Proposal Support from College of Forestry Research Office
Our office strives to give full support for initiating and submitting grants. Some grants take a lot of effort especially those that have large budgets, have subawards, or require match. Therefore, in order to receive full support from our office and to meet institutional routing timelines, you should contact our office to begin work on the EB3 budget at least one month prior to the deadline. This is especially true for inexperienced PIs submitting major federal applications with large budgets involving outside institutional subawards. We must have a final budget in our EB3 budget template and a fully compliant budget justification that we have reviewed and are ready for submission to OSRAA no less than 10 days before a deadline.
If you have an unforeseen emergency proposal deadline and are unable to meet the timeline above, contact us immediately and we may require an explanation and involve your department head. Approval to go forward will be dependent on our current workload.
A reminder that all external funding entering OSU must be institutionally reviewed and approved. It is critical that you involve our office as soon as possible when in conversation with outside entities so we can determine the appropriate mechanism to bring funds in (i.e. OSRAA, ARF, OSUF, PCCM). All budgets, regardless of funding mechanism, should be reviewed by our office prior to sending out to external entities to ensure all appropriate costs have been included.
Link to Cayuse Research Suite
Login using your ONID username and password.
Proposal Guidelines & Information
- Proposal Budget Guidelines -- College of Forestry proposal budgeting guidelines (subject to change). (updated 2/17/2025)
- Information Commonly Needed for Proposals (link to OSRAA website)
CoF Budget Template
Please contact the CoF Research Office if you would like us to build a budget for you -- we're located in 378 Peavy Forest Science Center, or you can email or phone Melora Park or Justin Schaffer
- EB3 -- auto-fills and auto-calculates fields based on current guidelines; includes travel worksheet (please utilize). (updated 2/17/2025).
CoF Tools
- Odo - generic budget justification template generator by agency from current version of the EB3 (please note you must edit template output to fit your budget). This is a MS Excel Visual Basic tool. Contact CoFRO if you need assistance. Version 4.1.2 updated 6/13/2023
Office of Sponsored Research and Award Administration (OSRAA)
- OSRAA Home Page
- Cayuse New User Registration Form
- Cayuse Sponsor/Subcontractor Registration Form
- Forms
- Rates
- Proposal Preparation
- Award Status Page
- Facilities and Administration Rate Agreement (NICRA) - indirect costs July 2022
- Facilities and Administration Implementation Memo -July 2022
- Office of Research Integrity - Conflict of Interest, Export Control, IRB (human subjects), IACUC (animal care), Boating & Diving, UAVs
- OSU Annual Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form - required annually for all principal and co-principal investigators
- Oregon State University Advantage (Industry Partnerships) - Industry research relations, intellectual property
OSU Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) - used for all applications and signatures
Jennifer Creighton
Vice President for Research Administration, Finance and Operations
Oregon State University
Office of Sponsored Research and Award Administration
A312 Kerr Adm
Corvallis, OR 97331-2140
Fax: (541) 737-3093
OSU Financial Officer
Heather Toro
Oregon State University
Office of Sponsored Research and Award Administration
A312 Kerr Adm
Corvallis, OR 97331-2140
NSF Templates and Documents
- NSF PAPPG 24-1 - (Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide) - applies starting May 20, 2024
- NSF FAQs for proposal preparation
- Safe and Inclusive Workplan - for upload to (Feb 17, 2023)
- Collaborators & Other Affiliations - required template - upload as single copy document - COA FAQs (updated Jan 30, 2023)
- Biographical Sketch Information – required use of SciENcv
- Current & Pending Support Information - required use of SciENcv
- Synergistic Activities - template to list up to five discrete examples
sciENcv Link
- Login using your NSF 9 digit ID
NSF Link
- Your (formerly fastlane) user name is typically your last name
- Forgot your NSF ID # (9 digits)? Lookup your ID here.
NIFA AFRI Templates and Documents
- NIFA Application Guide (July 2023) - always check for updated guidelines in solicitations
- NIFA AFRI 2024-2025 Foundational Program RFA - (updated Jul 2024)
- NIFA AFRI 2024-2025 Foundational Supplemental Application Instructions - (updated June 17, 2024)
- NIFA AFRI Letter of Intent Instructions - (March 2022)
- Project Summary/Abstract - required NIFA AFRI template
- Project Narrative - CoFRO template
- Bibliography & References Cited - CoFRO template
- Conflict of Interest - NIFA AFRI template
- Current & Pending Support - NIFA AFRI template
- Biographical Sketch – CoFRO template
- Key Personnel - CoFRO template
- Facilities & Other Resources - CoFRO template
- Equipment - CoFRO template
- Data Management Plan - CoFRO template
- Management Plan - CoFRO template
- Key Personnel Roles - CoFRO template
- Logic Model - CoFRO template
- Collaboration - CoFRO template
- AFRI Project Type - required template
Data Management Plans
- NSF Data Management Plans - Information Link
- OSU Libraries DMP Website & Support
- OSU Library Scholars Archive boilerplate
- DMP Tool - link to 3rd party website
PostAward Support
Once your award has been signed and you have an index, please contact Financial Strategic Services postaward for questions.
- Financial Strategic Services (FSS, formly FOBC) -
- OSRAA postaward support -