Welcome to the WFGRS 2021 Poster Session! Please take some time to peruse through the posters below and pop into individual zoom rooms to talk with presenters about their work during their scheduled slot. If you don’t catch someone during their time slot, feel free to reach out to the email listed with their abstract in the program.
Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium 29291 Posters
Session 1 (12:00-12:30)
Erkan Babat
Biomass stock, net primary productivity and radiation use efficiency of 11 conifer species growing on a gradient of water availability in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.A.
Talk with Erkan
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Erin Baumgart
Effect of root:shoot manipulation on growth of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) seedlings in the nursery and following outplanting
Talk with Erin
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Wade Christensen
Assessing potential fuel reduction treatments on Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians trust property in Southern Oregon
Talk with Wade
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Zeynep Cicekli
Projection of western white pine blister rust hazard ratings under climate change in the Pacific Northwest
Talk with Zeynep
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Keiki Howe
Changes in radial growth post drought in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the McDonald Forest, Corvallis, OR
Talk with Keiki
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Jonah Nicholas
Summer low flow response to different riparian treatments in forested headwater streams of Coastal Northern California
Talk with Jonah
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Kamana Poudel
State-level regulations on private forestland: an analysis of relationships between state regulations and state characteristics
Talk with Kamana
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Talbot B. Rueppel
Quantifying the percent wood failure in adhesive bonded joints via UV-VIS spectroscopy
Talk with Talbot
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Emily Von Blon
Tree growth sensitivity of 11 native and non-native conifer species to climate variability across a water deficit gradient in western Oregon
Talk with Emily
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Session 2 (12:30-1:00)
Lewis Campbell
A case study approach to guiding future management of Douglas-fir mortality in western Oregon's valley edges
Talk with Lewis
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Andrew G. Cervantes
Forests on the Move: Forest inventories and wood anatomy from the fragmented forests of Guairá, Paraguarí, and Central, Paraguay
Talk with Andrew
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Daram Choi
Genetic characterization and bioclimatic modeling of the three varieties of Leptographium wageneri (cause of black stain root disease) in the western USA
Talk with Daram
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Lara Jacobs
A recreation ecology perspective of the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic: Anticipated parks and protected area impacts relating to visitor spatial use, terrestrial flora and fauna, and management
Talk with Lara
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Medelin Kant
Hyperspectral reflectance as a proxy for stable isotope compositions to assess drought-resiliency associated traits
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Katherine McCool
Quantifying impacts of forest fire on erosion and soil carbon
Talk with Katherine
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Paul O. Oyier
Incorporating harvesting machine simulators in training forest engineers, foresters, and allied scientists
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Leon Rogers
Screening decay fungi for potential lignin valorization
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Tanner Wentlandt
Anthropogenic refugia in the Wildland Urban Interface
Talk with Tanner
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If you have any trouble navigating this website, please contact the conference organizing committee at WFGRS@oregonstate.edu