Suggested things to include in a thank you letter to your donor:
- Why you chose your major
- What you are currently studying that really interests you
- What you hope to do or accomplish in your career/profession
- A short biographical sketch of you, your family, your background
- What you like to do in your free time
- Challenges you might have faced/overcome in your life (that you are comfortable sharing)
- Other activities you are involved in (volunteering/service, jobs, clubs, internships, experiential education, etc.)
- What is has meant to you to receive this scholarship
- And special accolades or honors you might have received
- How earning a scholarship has enhanced your experience at OSU
- Describe an OSU experience you've had that stands out or could be considered a highlight of your time as a Beaver
Please be sure to properly address your donor using a title/honorific (e.g. Mr., Ms., Mx., Dr., etc.) and last name (e.g. Mx. Smith or Dr. and Mr. Smith).
Click here for a sample letter.
Many donors like to maintain communication with students who receive their scholarship. While you are under no obligation to do so, you might want to consider providing the donor with your email address in order to allow further communication or invitations to events, presentations, or luncheons (this often occurs with donations made from foundations, companies, non-profits, etc.).