Mentored Employment Program Student Interest Form Thank you for reviewing current Mentored Employment Program opportunities. These paid opportunities are designed to enhance your student experience, foster a mentor/protégé relationship and support the research mission of the College. Complete the webform below to indicate your interest and qualifications. You may select up to three projects. (Review project descriptions here) Apply to the Student Technical Assistant Pool position When submitting your application please attach your resume and cover letter indicating how your qualifications and experience have prepared you for this position If you would like to submit multiple cover letters, please attach them as additional documents. Currently enrolled undergraduate students who are majoring in a College of Forestry undergraduate major are eligible to apply to the Mentored Employment Program. Please contact Brooke Harrington in the College of Forestry Student Services Office (116 Peavy Forest Science Center) if you have questions. The application and student interest form for the 2024-25 Mentored Employment Program is now closed. Thank you for your interest. First Name * Last Name * Student I.D. * OSU Email Address * Campus * - Select -CorvallisCascadesEcampus Major * - Select -ForestryForest EngineeringForest/Civil EngineeringNatural ResourcesRenewable MaterialsWood Innovation for SustainabilityTourism, Recreation & Adventure Leadership Student Class Level * - Select -FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorPost Baccalaureate Anticipated Graduation Term * Are you enrolled in classes for the current term? * - Select -YesNo Select up to 3 MEP projects you are interested in applying to * Soil carbon and biodiversity impacts of alternative forest management system (Cerullo) Understanding Visitor Use in the Wilson River Corridor of the Tillamook State Forest (D'Antonio) Cultural Fire History on Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians Historical Lands along the Eastside of Oregon's coast range 9 (Dunn) Tree species on long-term soil carbon storage (Fitch) Investigation of forestry and agricultural residue for packaging applications (Hafez) Belowground Carbon Inventory of the McDonald-Dunn Research Forest (Hatten) Assessment of Floodplain Hydrology in the Upper Crooked River (Herzog) (CASCADES STUDENTS ONLY) New Product Development Assistance (Leavengood) Monitoring the Effects of wildfires on Subsequent Landslides and Debris Flows (Leshchinsky) Tree Ring Solutions to the Wildfire Crisis Strategy on the Mt. Hood National Forest (Merschel) Non-destructive testing of Engineered Wood Products (Nasir) Hillslope hydrology of the MacDonald-Dunn Forest (Patton) Co-Stewardship of Public Lands with Indigenous Peoples (Rabung) Non-destructive testing methods for quality control and on-site assessment of wood-based products and buildings. (Riggio) Native bee response to forest response treatments (Rivers) Comparison of historic and contemporary forest landscape composition and structure on the McDonald-Dunn Forest using General Land Office survey data and methods. (M. Swanson) Quantifying terrestrial predation of fish, amphibians and crayfish in burned and unburned streams (Swartz) Hydraulic Limitations of Tree Growth (Vargas Gutierrez) Novel 3D Printing Technique of Wood Composites (Wang) Sustainable land practices for restoring native ecosystems in the Willamette Valley (E. Swanson) You may apply to up three projects and your application will be forwarded to those faculty mentors. How many hours per week are you available to work? * Do you have federal work study funds you would like to utilize? * - Select -YesNo Have you participated in the Mentored Employment Program before? * - Select -YesNo Please explain what you hope to gain from this experience and how it will enhance your education and professional development * Please list special skills or training that you have which may be beneficial to this experience * With whom and on what project did you work? Additional Comments Please enter any additional comments! Have you submitted your resume and cover letter to the Student Technical Assistant position on the OSU Student Employment Website? * Yes No Please visit Please visit to submit your resume and cover letter. Student Technical Assistant Pool 2018-2019 (CoF Mentored Employment Program) Additional Cover Letters Upload You may upload additional cover lettersFiles must be less than 2 MB.Allowed file types: pdf doc docx. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Submit