Forest Ecosystems and Society (MF, MS, and PhD)The Forest Ecosystems and Society graduate program combines a strong social science faculty with a strong biological and ecological science faculty and so provides an unusual opportunity to focus on the interface of social science and ecology. The FES graduate program provides specific disciplinary opportunities in both ecological and social sciences in the natural resource setting but also strives to develop interdisciplinary skills and knowledge.Sustainable Forest Management (MF, MS, and PhD)The Sustainable Forest Management graduate program emphasizes the conservation of forest-dominated landscapes to meet a defined set of ecological, economic and social criteria over long time frames. This program provides a strong grounding in the principles and techniques of active management of forests to improve forest health and condition while producing a full range of products and ecosystems services. It consists of a common core in the principles and criteria of sustainable forest management; statistics for design and interpretation of experiments; and specialization in one of six areas of concentration.Wood Science and Engineering (MS and PhD)The Wood Science and Engineering graduate program offers degrees that are closely integrated with faculty research programs and allow students to tailor their program around a wood science foundation. All programs are highly interdisciplinary and many students also pursue dual graduate degrees in science and engineering disciplines such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science or forest science.Master of Natural Resources (MNR)The MNR degree is an interdisciplinary degree program taught entirely online through Oregon State University Extended Campus. It is a professional degree offered as a non-thesis option only, similar to the Master of Business Administration, Master of Agriculture, or Master of Forestry.