Northwest Forest Plan Amendment DEIS Discussion Series

Event Details + Updates


Update 2/27/25 - The series will resume for a final wrap-up session. Details below.




Tuesday, March 11 from 4 to 5 p.m.
College of Forestry - Peavy Forest Science Center 129

Focus: Forest Stewardship + Related Topics

Preparatory Reading

DEIS Volume 2: Appendix A.1 Proposed Action (Alternative B) – Forest Stewardship (FORSTW) pages A1-13 to A1-3 (10 pages). The plan components.
If you have interest, also read Table 1. Comparisons of alternatives pages A2-6 to A2-14 (8 pages) that highlight the where proposed components differ between Alternative B, Alternatives C, Alternative D.

Download entire PDF here: NWFP Amendment DEIS Volume 2.


If you’re feeling really motivated, you can read the narrative of environmental analysis for Forest Stewardship:
DEIS Volume 1: Chapter 3. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences 3.3 Issue 2- Forest Stewardship pages 3-14 to 3-37 (24 pages).
The environmental analysis integrates the plan components to estimate their effects on the system.
Download entire PDF here: NWFP Amendment DEIS Volume 1.

For more information: USFS Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment website, including details on how to prepare a public comment.



WEEK 2 READING GROUP - Presentation Slides

Tuesday, Jan. 28 from 4 to 5 p.m.
College of Forestry - Peavy Forest Science Center 129
Focus: Tribal Inclusion and Indigenous Knowledge

Preparatory Reading: DEIS Volume 2: Appendix A.1 Proposed Action (Alternative B) – Tribal Inclusion (TRIBAL) and Indigenous Knowledge (TRIBAL-IK) pages A1-1 to A1-12 (13 pages).
Download entire PDF here: NWFP Amendment DEIS Volume 2.



WEEK 1 READING GROUP - Presentation Slides

Tuesday, Jan. 21 from 4 to 5 p.m.
College of Forestry - Peavy Forest Science Center 129

Preparatory Reading: Executive Summary, pages ES-1 to ES-12 (12 pages).
Download entire PDF here: NWFP Amendment DEIS Volume 1.



Series Information


The United States Forest Service (USFS) Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) Amendment Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) addresses important changes to management and stewardship of USFS federal lands in our region. The DEIS is open for public comment, closing March 17th 2025.

This Winter 2025, join us for a five-week event series in January and February structured as a reading and discussion group. Through this series, we’ll aim to build awareness of the potential changes, foster dialogue about the multiple uses and challenges of forest ecosystems in our region. The series aims to create an accessible entry point for folks who are interested in the ideas in the DEIS but unsure how to engage, as well as providing a space for folks deeply immersed in these topics who would like to discuss them with colleagues and community. You’re also welcome to just join in and listen! All members of the community, OSU and broader public are welcome to attend.

The discussion sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. on campus (College of Forestry, PFSC 129) beginning Week 3 of winter term. Here is the full schedule and focal topics: 

  1. Tuesday January 21st, 2025 – Executive Summary & Overview of the DEIS, Alternatives and Themes
  2. Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 – Tribal Inclusion and Indigenous Knowledge
  3. Tuesday, February 4th, 2025 – Forest Stewardship
  4. Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 – Economic Opportunities and Sustainable Communities, Sustainability and Communities, Fire Resilience, Climate and Carbon
  5. Tuesday, February 18th, 2025 – Loose Ends & Looping Back to Topics of Interest

The reading and discussion group will be led by Dr. Meg Krawchuk, Associate Professor in the Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, and member of the NWFP Federal Advisory Committee; and in collaboration with your/our expertise in the College and broader community. Members of the NWFP Federal Advisory Committee are invited to join and share perspectives at these sessions as their scheduling allows.

Download the entire PDF here: NWFP Amendment DEIS Volume 1. For all files and details, see the Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment website.

Please note that these are in-person events only, with the exception of FAC members joining remotely. There will be some modest assigned reading materials ahead of each session, for those who want to engage directly with the DEIS content. Joining to listen is fine, too!

We welcome everyone interested in the topics. There will be no formal presentations – rather, these sessions are an opportunity to discuss ideas, listen in and understand the direction being suggested for modernization of the Northwest Forest Plan. We ask that all participants commit to engaging in dialogue with an emphasis on collaboration and positive regard, listening to hear each other and respecting diverse values, ideas and opinions, all while recognizing the challenging topic area.

The series will conclude with a presentation panel and reception in late February/early March to wrap up our discussions. Date and guest panel will be announced closer to the event.


Reading Group Sessions

Tuesdays from 4 to 5 p.m. | Jan. 21 - Feb. 18, 2025
Location: College of Forestry - Peavy Forest Science Center (PFSC) 129

Interested in any or all of the sessions? 
Please RSVP to give us a feel for numbers, but feel free to attend even without RSVP.


Summative Discussion Panel + Reception 

Late Feb. or early March 2025
Details will be announced closer to the event.