Poster Presentation GuidelinesWe expect many poster presentations so we are requiring that students create posters in Portrait Layout. We recommend 36"x48" dimensions. Please NO glossy or laminated posters. Poster printing info for Oregon State University students is listed here. The recommended poster content is listed below (provided by Lisa Ganio): Poster Content:Title and Presenter – Include your name, email contact and major professor. If there are other significant collaborators please include them as well.General Research Question or Objective: State the general question your research will address, and any specific objectives of your project.Background – Briefly put your research into context with regards to current knowledge on the topic and the importance of your question.Specific Questions and assumptions: State one or more specific questions to be addressed by the methods described below. These can be stated as postulates, succinct questions or hypotheses. – Note that these are NOT statistical hypotheses. State (non-null) scientific hypotheses. List the critical axioms or assumptions.Methods – Describe the approach you propose to use to address each specific question – give your proposed response variable(s) and any explanatory variables, describe how the data are (or were) to be collected, study design (e.g., observational, survey, experiment), sampling plan and suggested analysis method. This is a minor part of the poster because it may not be well-developed at this point and it typically changes as the proposal evolves. But if you have ideas for it you should include them.Interpretation – Provide the scope of inference – that is, identify the set or group to which the conclusions of your proposed research will apply. Provide the expected outcomes for your scientific hypotheses. Explain what types of data responses will lead to what types of answers to your questions. Importance – Explain how your thesis work will provide a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in your field. This section can act as a summary to the poster. Sometimes the importance of the proposed work is included in the background section identified above.Oral Presentation Guidelines
- You are allotted 10 minutes for an oral presentation, with 5 minutes for questions from the audience. We have additionally alotted 5 minutes to transition between each presentation.
- Each session will have a session coordinator who will hold up cards at the 5-minute mark and last-minute mark to help you stay on time.
- The suggested format for presentations includes: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Students may also present preliminary results or proposed research if they do not have results yet.
- Presentations should be catered to a broad audience from diverse backgrounds. The audience will be composed of individuals from specialties outside of your own.
- Presenters will be contacted before the day of the event with further instructions on the assigned time and room for their presentation.Abstract Guidelines If you are submitting an abstract for PROPOSED RESEARCH, we suggest including the following in your abstract:
- Background: a brief statement of the study’s objectives
- Question(s) and hypotheses
- Methods: a concise statement of methods
- Interpretation: a description of the scope of inference
- Importance: a brief statement of how your research will contribute to your field
Please note that poster or oral presentations on proposed research do not need to include results or conclusion sections. If you are submitting an abstract for RESEARCH RESULTS, we suggest including the following in your abstract:
- Background: a brief statement of study’s objectives
- Methods: a concise statement of methods
- Results: a clear presentation of results which should be “data rich”
- Conclusions: a closing statement of conclusions (Do not state “Results will be discussed.”)ALL ABSTRACTS should follow the guidelines below:
- Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words.
- In addition to the title of your presentation/poster, you should include your name, major advisor(s), and co-authors. For each person, be sure to include their academic institution and department/program.
- Type your abstract as a single textblock (indents and line breaks may be removed).
- Use title case for the title of the poster or presentation.
- Include author information in the uploaded abstract document.
- Citations are not allowed within the abstract text and will be removed.
- Work must be proofread carefully before submission. Abstracts that show lack of care or quality control as evidenced by grammar, punctuation, spelling, and typographical errors may be returned requesting revision. WFGRS organizers will not edit abstracts.