Nomination Deadline: Friday, December 6, 2024 (5:00pm) - Submit your nomination
In 1990, the College of Forestry inaugurated the Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement to recognize outstanding contributions by faculty and staff that significantly advance the mission of the college. These awards recognize service or performance that is truly exceptional, and “above and beyond” what is expected in a candidate’s position description. Previous awardees
The Dean's Award includes a $1,500 (pre-tax) monetary award and a commemorative plaque. One or more awards will be made to individuals or groups, not necessarily in every category every year. All college employees are eligible, and all college employees and students may submit nominations.
Nominations should include a nomination statement demonstrating how the individual has met the criteria for the award and providing examples of exemplary work conducted in 2024. Nominations should be submitted via the online form by the deadline and will be evaluated by the Dean and the appointed committee consisting of previous awardees. Nominations are held in confidence and the awardees are surprised at an event on February 13, 2025.
Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in:
- The Pauline Barto Award for Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Candidates in this category have actively engaged in both personal and community development that contributes to our College Strategic Plan, as well as enhances their own ability to foster respect and support for a diverse and equitable college environment. Candidates have engaged in actions that help the college achieve its objectives by: promoting innovation in research and teaching by enhancing creativity through diversity; ensuring equity of opportunity to all persons who work or study at the college; and/or creating a culture of inclusivity and respect within the college and in interactions with partners. This award is named in honor of Pauline Barto, the first woman to join and graduate from the College of Forestry in 1939. Fighting against a culture that barred women from seeking a forestry education, Pauline persisted in earning her degree and stands as an inspirational figure in our college’s history.
- Fostering Undergraduate Student Success
Candidates in this category have taken great care to ensure students are well supported during their studies, are well prepared for their future careers, and/or have opportunities that enrich their academic experience. Examples include instruction, advising (formal or informal), mentoring and coaching, and any contributions that develop community and provide innovative support to students on all our campuses. (Corvallis, Cascades, and E-campus).
- Mentorship of Graduate Students
Candidates in this category have served as a positive role model, engaged with students in an encouraging manner regarding their studies and research, and ensured students have the opportunity to achieve their short and long-term goals. Candidates may serve as a student’s advocate, may coach a student and help them develop the professional and research skills required for their future careers, should encourage an open exchange of ideas, and actively develop an environment in which graduate students thrive.
- Contributions as a Student Worker
Candidates in this category have made a significant contribution to the college through appointment as a student worker. Through exceptional service as a representative of the college, student candidates have furthered the mission of the college, performed above their position expectations, and been an instrumental factor in the success of a college unit.
- Graduate Student Leadership
Candidates in this category have demonstrated noteworthy achievements as a graduate student in their coursework, research program, and/or in service to the college community. Candidates will have demonstrated leadership through a significant contribution to the solution of a compelling issue, advanced the quality of experience for the student body, excelled in their field of study, contributed to building the college community, and/or achieved notable academic success.
- Distinction to the College (open to all faculty, staff, and students; multiple recipients may be awarded)
Candidates in this category have made a positive impact within the college or with our stakeholders which furthered the college’s teaching, research, and outreach mission. This is an intentionally broad award category recognizing a multitude of contributions across employment status and responsibilities, and we encourage you to submit nominations for anyone who does not fit into any of the other categories.Candidates may have brought distinction in the following ways:
- by spearheading ground-breaking research;
- by developing an innovative instructional methodology;
- by successfully translating research into the public domain;
- by providing exceptional response to a request for assistance from the public or an agency;
- through exceptional service or support to the college, university, or community;
- leading towards enhancing our safety culture;
- leading an programmatic or research initiative that enhanced the reputation of the college internationally;
- or any other contribution that made significant impact aligned with our goals and which brought distinction to the college.