Virtual Meeting, March 1-2, 2022
8:00-12:00 each day
The Forest Health in Oregon: State of the State conference occurs every-other-year and is meant to summarize forest health issues in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The focus is on major forest insect and pathogen activity and emerging issues, as well as weather phenomena such as drought and heat waves, and of course fire. We seek to inform foresters, forest industry, agency forest managers, small woodland owners, forestry and natural resources extension volunteers and agents, and anyone interested in forest health in Oregon, about these important issues that influence forest health. In 2022 we are also focused on tree decline issues regarding western redcedar, big leaf maple, and Douglas-fir.
We are planning to convene virtually on March 1 and 2, from 8am to noon each day. There is no fee, and registration is free.
This program was reviewed and is approved for professional continuing forestry education credits by the Society of American Foresters. This program meets the SAF’s Continuing Forestry Education guidelines and standards.
Questions? Contact: David Shaw,
Day 1
Day 2
Slide Presentation from Keynote Speaker
Jessica Halofsky, Director of the Western Wildland Environmental Threats Assessment Center, and, Director of the Northwest Climate Hub, USFS PNW Research Station, Olympia.
Title: Adapting to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes in the Pacific Northwest
Forest Health In Oregon 2022: State of the State - Day 1 Intro
David Shaw, Oregon State University
Trees on the edge: Douglas-fir decline in SW Oregon
Max Bennett, OSU Extension Service
Aerial Detection Survey 2021 and 2020 Efforts for Oregon
Daniel DePinte-Forest Health Specialist, USFS
Don’t Call it a Comeback: Recent Forest Health Trends and Emerging Insect and Disease Issues in Central Oregon
Robbie Flowers and Brent Oblinger, USDA Forest Service - Forest Health Protection, Central Oregon Service Center, Bend, OR
Forest Health – a USFS management perspective
Audrey Maclennan, R2 Forest Analyst and R6 Ecologist
Cheryl Friesen, Science Liaison R6
Managing when after the fire is before the fire: Silviculture in a novel world
Klaus Puettmann
Edmund Hayes Professor in Silviculture Alternatives, Oregon State University, College of Forestry
Forest Disturbance Agents and Fire; What’s the Connection?
David Shaw, Professor, Dept. of Forest Engineering, Resources, and Management, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, Oregon State University
Swiss Needle Cast and Sudden Oak Death
Gabriela Ritokova, Forest Pathologist, Oregon Department of Forestry
Post-fire Tree Mortality: Assessing the Probability of Fire-damaged Tree Death and Potential for Bark Beetle Outbreaks After Fire
Beth Willhite, USFS Forest Health Protection, Westside Insect and Disease Service Center, Sandy, OR
College of Forestry, OSU
Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
Oregon Forest Resources Institute (OFRI)
Oregon Society of American Foresters
USFS Region 6 (OR and WA)